Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Spectacular Day - In OH SO MANY WAYS

The shop tools in ASH Woodshops are feeling a bit neglected today.  I live near the ocean at Monterey Bay and the water was shining like an emerald this morning.  It made it very hard to get into the shop.  So I decided to run some errands today.  That allowed me to be out an about almost all day.  I had several orders for wood products that had sold and needed to be shipped today, and that got me started.  I was able to talk with a great friend today also.  He is a mentor to me and I always am blessed by our weekly conversation.  Unfortunately he lives all the way across the country near Atlanta, but we manage to have a weekly call.  I visited several stores today and was in such a great mood, that I had to share that with everyone that I came in contact with.  It was great.  It is amazing how easy it is to make people light up with a smile, just by smiling yourself.  It is Wednesday, so my wife and I attended our Night of Worship service.  We both were blown away by the music and the sermon.  All in all, a very rewarding day.  I got some great feedback from a customer that received a music box that I had been commissioned by her to make for her mother.  We are always very proud of good feedback, especially when we exceed the expectations of our customers. 
A picture is worth a thousand words, but it is really nice to hear that the piece looked more beautiful in person than the photographs.  This piece was made from cherry and walnut.  Beautiful if I do say so myself!

Truly a great day.

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