Friday, June 4, 2010

Time Flies When

It is amazing to me that it has already been two weeks since my last post.  Yes, been pretty busy, but just not enough time in the shop.  I have been busy trying to get the Father's Day items posted and listed in my shop at  It has been a challenge to get it done.  I have recently been making some new cutting boards.  One is on a commission but the others will be posted on Etsy and put up for sale.  They will be done shortly and you will be able to see them in my shop.  In the meantime..

I wanted to tell you about some new kaleidioscopes that I have been making.  These are beautiful, mini kaleidoscopes.  The "jewels" are beach glass from Monterey Bay beaches.  Norma and I pick up the glass when we are beachcombing.  It really makes a unique view.  I have recently shipped one to Denmark!  The customer base is spreading.  Thank you loyal customers!

I have been trying to figure out how to get the message out about the items that I sell that are for men.  Masculine Pens, etc.  I have come to realize that I need to figure out how to make these attractive for women, since women are the people who are buying for their men.  So, a new challenge to contemplate while I turn a few more of these beauties!
Blessings to you from ASH Woodshops.

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