Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Oak Bowls

Generally Speaking, when it comes to bowls, pens or other usefull items, Oak can be pretty boring.  Don't get me wrong, it is a very strong wood and great for making furniture, doors, cabinets, cutting boards and other things that need to endure and be very durable.  But the grain can be pretty plain much of the time. 

I was commissioned to turn a couple of bowls for a friend from Oak from their property.  I chose some crotch wood from some large branches, hoping that the branch connections would add some character and features that would be attractive.  I tried to keep these as masculine as possible, (as in non-foofy) as they are a gift for my friends husband.  He had cut down the oak trees to make room for a house that they are building together.  I am very happy with the results.

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