Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Spectacular Day - In OH SO MANY WAYS

The shop tools in ASH Woodshops are feeling a bit neglected today.  I live near the ocean at Monterey Bay and the water was shining like an emerald this morning.  It made it very hard to get into the shop.  So I decided to run some errands today.  That allowed me to be out an about almost all day.  I had several orders for wood products that had sold and needed to be shipped today, and that got me started.  I was able to talk with a great friend today also.  He is a mentor to me and I always am blessed by our weekly conversation.  Unfortunately he lives all the way across the country near Atlanta, but we manage to have a weekly call.  I visited several stores today and was in such a great mood, that I had to share that with everyone that I came in contact with.  It was great.  It is amazing how easy it is to make people light up with a smile, just by smiling yourself.  It is Wednesday, so my wife and I attended our Night of Worship service.  We both were blown away by the music and the sermon.  All in all, a very rewarding day.  I got some great feedback from a customer that received a music box that I had been commissioned by her to make for her mother.  We are always very proud of good feedback, especially when we exceed the expectations of our customers. 
A picture is worth a thousand words, but it is really nice to hear that the piece looked more beautiful in person than the photographs.  This piece was made from cherry and walnut.  Beautiful if I do say so myself!

Truly a great day.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Magnificent Day

My wife Norma and I are training for the San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon that happens on June 6th.  We are training through Team-In-Training as part of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  We raise funds for blood cancer research in exchange for 1st class training for the endurance event.  We have met some of the most fantastic people that are part of our team!  I may never give this up.  I really like it.  But what is also really special is the place we live and where we get to train.  We live and train along the fabulous Monterey Bay in California.  Today we had an 11 mile training walk along the shoreline.  What a magnificent day.  There are almost no waves and the ocean is the color of the deepest blue jewel that you can imagine.  I didn't even get into the shop today.  It was so gorgeous that after our training, we went to the beach to relax.  Unbelievably beautiful.  I am so lucky that I get to live in a place like this.  I am certain that I will need to spend at least a little time in ASH Woodshops tomorrow.